Aug 24 Views (1271)

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, Stormblood, Heavensward

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn presents an adventure for players around the world to undertake epic quests and battle with familiar Final Fantasy monsters as they work together to help forge the fate of Eorzea. Today, let's review this game's expansion and the most complete edition. We delivered on ours promise to sell cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gil online. 



For Newcomers To Final Fantasy XIV Online, This Bundle Is The Most Complete Edition And Includes: 


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Create your own unique Final Fantasy hero and begin your adventures in the realm of Eorzea. 


Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood

Join the fight for freedom in the latest expansion. Journey to the East to explore vast, new lands and play as two new jobs ─ red mage and samurai. 


Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

Take to the skies and bring an end to the thousand-year Dragonsong War and restore light to the realm in this critically-acclaimed expansion.


In addition, this game's features are also a lot. To name a few, an engaging storyline, genre-leading graphics, and HD real time cut scenes. Breathtaking musical score by renowned Final Fantasy series composers, with incredible graphics engine that delivers a high level of detail and quality on all platforms. More key features can be viewed at FFXIV4GIL, see more at here