Aug 27 Views (1331)

Final Fantasy XIV Gives People The Tools To Do DPS

A slew of new information about Final Fantasy XIV's future came out. Final Fantasy XIV is an incredible game, if the player is a woman, utilizing a female character, or if he is a man playing a female character, you could easily take the dialogue as strong words of admiration towards a strong woman. If it so happens that the player is male, playing a male character, it could easily give that sort of idea that perhaps there is a chance.



FFXIV is a very DPS-focused MMO. It’s not like Guild Wars 2, where everybody is DPS because there are no roles, but it’s also unlike World of Warcraft, where healers are only expected to heal. Unlike many other games, FFXIV gives people the tools to do DPS no matter what role they're in. To enjoy the best gaming experience, you must striving to get more Final Fantasy XIV Gil and FFXIV Power Leveling. 


Two jobs in Final Fantasy XIV, and both are looks like. Not mentioned what they are, but Yoshida had a Scarlet Witch t shirt on and its all red. Also one of the 2 fighters in the trailer is all red and fighting with red abilities so a lot of people are thinking Red mage, but it is also fighting in melee and kind of dancing around, so there is a vocal group thinking Dancer.


Final Fantasy XIV took some adjusting but it works really well. It's pretty impressive with how you can configure and fine tune it. Speaking of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, if you are looking for some friends to play the new expansion with. We will provide an update once we have more information on the matter, you can go to website to know more.