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How to maximize the power of Engineer and the movement flexible

The previous Wildstar Engineer news we have shared DPS skill build and Tank skill build. Today, this article aims to help player clearly learn how to position DPS Engineer. How to maximize the power of Engineer and the movement flexible.



wildstar engineer dps


1.T4-T7 BioShell
Reduces Technology Resistance by 12%, Instant cast while between 30 and 70 Volatility.
2.T8 Electrocute
The primary damage skill can increase technology damage by 2.5% per stack, stack up to 6 times meanwhile it would blind or stun foes.



wildstar engineer amp


The controversial AMP points are Cruisin for a Bruisin and Forceful Impact. These are depending on Deflect to increase 20% critical hits and 9.8% AP’s AMP. As for my personal experience, these skills are excellent, and the later Raid need Strikethrough meet the standard of 9% which needs plenty of fund to support it!

The Key Points: All kinds of shoes which have Dasher Skill, the cheapest heavy armor is Galactium Protomorph Treads with 2 or 3 sockets would better which can increase movement speed.
Weapon: “Adventures” CW-4 HVG Earthbound Slug Thrower
Crafting/Auction House: Requirement 90Finesse + Impact Skill + Above 3 sockets


wildstar engineer weapon


Head: “Epochos” HA-1H Combat Hemlet
Crafting/Auction House: Requirement 120Finesse + Concentration Skill + 1 Socket
Shoulder: Trailmaster’s Blade Shoulder
Malgrave Trail: Requirement above 2 sockets
Chest: Type III Galactinum Weave Plastron
Crafting/Auction House: Requirement 100Finesse + 2 sockets


wildstar engineer armor


Legs: Rocktown Armored Pants/Northern Waste
Malgrave Trail: Requirement above 2 sockets
Energy Shield:Berserker Aegis
World Drops/Auction House: Directly to add AP and 4 sockets

Engineer Primary Attribute: Assualt Power > Finesse
Engineer Secondary Attribute: Moxie - Brutality - Strikethrough
Supercharged ExoSuit Rune of Assault Power
Rune of Assault Power
Assassin Rune of Assault Poweror Weapon Specialist Rune of Assault Power (depending on your progress on each)
Technophile Rune of Finesse
Rune of Finesse
Weapon Specialist Rune of Crit Severity
Rune of Crit Severity
Rune of Finesse
Assassin Rune of Crit Severity
Assassin Rune of Crit Severityor Technophile Rune of Crit Severity or Weapon Specialist Rune of Crit Severity (depending on your progress on each)
Supercharged ExoSuit Rune of Finesse
Rune of Finesse